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Старый 12.09.2011, 09:38   #11
Аватар для George_Debug
Регистрация: 23.07.2007
Адрес: Мир и окрестности
Сообщения: 3,132
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Сайт фестиваля http://2012worldshakuhachifestival.wordpress.com/
George_Debug вне форума  
Старый 04.10.2011, 21:50   #12
Аватар для blowing
Регистрация: 07.05.2008
Адрес: Киев
Сообщения: 283
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Европейское Сообщество разослало открытое письмо с приглашением принять участие в конкурсе на участие в концерте в Киото.
Это будет концерт европейских исполнителей. Исполнителей из наших стран просят присоединиться к Зову Бамбука!

Вот оно, извиняйте,перевести не было времени.
Call for Pieces
At the World Shakuhachi Festival 2012 in Kyoto, ESS has been asked to put together a concert representing the shakuhachi in Europe. Performers are invited to submit proposals to perform in this concert.
Criteria: The concert intends to present a broad cross-section of the shakuhachi as practiced in Europe. As a result, expressions of interest are welcome from non-professional as well as professional performers. Performances in all genres (traditional and non-traditional) are welcome.

Pieces are limited to 8 minutes duration.

Required information for submission:

- Name(s) of performer(s)

- Contact details (address, e-mail, telephone)

- Indication of performing level and experience

- Title of piece

- Indication of genre

- Duration

- Indication of performers and instrumentation required (e.g. shakuhachi solo, shakuhachi and koto, shakuhachi and percussion, etc)

- .mp3 recording of a demonstration performance

- listing of technical requirements (e.g. microphones, PA system)

Please note that this is a festival performance. Pieces with complex technical requirements and/or requiring long setup times cannot be considered.

Deadline for submission: 11th October 2011

Submit to: info@shakuhachisociety.eu

The selection committee consists of:

Michael Coxall

Horacio Curti

Kiku Day

Jim Franklin

Jean-François Lagrost

Participants in the concert will be advised by early November 2011.

Please be aware that submission of a proposal to perform represents a commitment to attend WSF12. Due to circumstances in Japan, the organizers have decided that all participants (professional and non-professional) will be required to pay their own transportation and living costs (accommodation and daily expenses) and additionally, a fee of 10,000 yen to participate in the concerts (one fee, regardless of how many concerts one plays in), in addition to a 10,000 yen fee for attendance at the festival. Unfortunately the ESS is unable to provide financial support.

Please do not submit a proposal if you are not able to attend under these conditions.

For more information email: info@shakuhachisociety.eu
The selection committee,

European Shakuhachi Society
blowing вне форума  
Старый 04.10.2011, 21:56   #13
Аватар для Komuso
Регистрация: 28.07.2007
Адрес: Phoenix, AZ
Сообщения: 2,816
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Давай!! На тебя рассчитывает вся Восточная Европа!
"Любая истина истинна в определённом контексте"
Komuso вне форума  
Старый 04.10.2011, 23:21   #14
Аватар для Keeperlight
Регистрация: 10.08.2009
Адрес: Московская область
Сообщения: 9
Отправить сообщение для Keeperlight с помощью ICQ Отправить сообщение для Keeperlight с помощью Skype™
По умолчанию

Да! Даже я вылез из подполья, чтоб пожелать тебе счастья
"Любовь, Свет, искренность, отдача, милость - не надо заменять эти понятия субстратами собственного производства."
Keeperlight вне форума  

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